Friday, September 11, 2009


Miss Lenny is a good teacher , she teach us to make blogs and it is fun to make blogs , at first we were intrested to make blogs ,now we now how how to make it our selfs. Ms. Lenny and the blogger team work so hard. GOOD JOB !!!!!!
I enjoy at this class at first I was a bit nervous because there are many presentation at that time me, Abe, Calista, and Reina was a team at the is group we perform it at the assembly and I was nervous but we do it perffectly.


  1. So glad to know that you enjoy our class blog and class activities :) I am also proud with the progress you have made so far Gio! Keep it up ok!!!

    by: Ms.L

  2. you spell the wrong words gio!!!!!!!
    you suppose to write perfectly like this not like this(perffectly)

  3. you made wrong spellings
    by Elaine 4l
