Tuesday, September 8, 2009

DaRi FiRsT dAy Of YeAr 4 ItU wE rElLy HaVe FuN wItH mS lEnNy AnD oUr FrIeNdS...............
we have lots of fun there! on the 18th of Aug we celebrate the indonesian independent day we do lots of activities...i won the lomba makan kerupuk on the 2nd place and the lomba kelereng on the 2nd place also.........!!!!! On next friday 11th september we will have the assembly some of the students have jobs to sing, some is to present the power point, some students are pointed to lable the name of the bones (like me)and many more jobs to do ....we are so suppppper dupper bussssssssyyy on working at the assemblyyyy....
i really enjoy being in year 4 with ms lenny...!
year 4 rockzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!

by icha


  1. On the first day of year 4 Ms. Lenny's x-student says the teachers are strict! Can you belive it?! The first cellebbraatiionn iss I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-C-E Daaaaaaaay! The teachers prepare everthing so we can have fun. Cool teachers yach!!! Now we are preparing for our assembly in the GR we did it perfecly! But sadly on the first unit of year 4 I had a grrrrrrrrrrrrreat fight with Adel and Winson. But Ms. Lenny helped solve the problem. Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy busy for the assembly. Thank you teachers for helping us doing everything.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ciehh miss lenny di puji puji ma i don no who!! i agree that miss lenny is sometime a sister so she can be a friend to us but can also be a tailor looking like a gorila!!! ahahah
    "i can be ur sister and be a good friend to u but i can also be a tailor and cut ur clothes and never mind to let ur mom buy you another one!" that is what she always said!!
    By: NG/angie/angeline/angeline ansatasia/angeline anastasia tj
