Tuesday, May 4, 2010


1 comment:

  1. the rirst picture from above, its when we played with pak agung. it was so fun!!! we had lots of fun....
    the second and the third picture is when we used the green clothes.... we used green clothes because its our theme and our class decided to use green
    the fourth and the fifth is when we have sport, we use free sport clothes because we are having fashion for our theme.
    the sixth and the sevent is when we have the wwf comming..... we talked about saving energy, and turning lights of for 60 minutes(1 hour)... and we borrow books about animals and nature.
    the eight is when we cut out pictures for symmentric figures and fashion styles.....
    and the last picture is when we read articles about our habitat and we have to share it to our friends.... i got abe for 2 times

