Adel: oooh tibia, oooh fibula, oooh cranium, oooh what is this Miss??
Reina : I read! u write!


Cal: this bone is here, that bone is there...he???right or wrong yaa??? Kok aneh Miss??

Winson: No ! NO! thats arm bones not leg bones!
Marchel : Lovely Mr Bone!
Reina : what bone is this? Dinosaur?

Adel : Stop talking Reina!

Mr.BONES Activity.
Description :
In this activity students listened to "Dem Bones" song and have a sing along time to know more about bones names and the position of those bones in our body.
After that students sit together with their group, while the teacher will provide them with a set of mixed up bones for them to be rearrange in a given time (arrange the bones in 2 minutes).
After all groups done rearrange the bones, the students will see the correct bones position.
Learning outcomes:
Students learned about skeletal parts from the song and able to recognize the correct position of skeletal.
Date of activity : 22nd July 2009
BONES dictionary activity
Teachers posted vocabulary related with skeletal part around the classroom. The students have to take 1 set of vocabulary which consists of 4 word and find another different 4 words from other friend.
The class will be divided into 2 groups. the first group will have a group research using internet and the second group will have a group research using books and dictionary (they will swap).
This activity need 2 sessions to complete and followed by class discussion about the vocabulary.
Learning outcome:
the students are able to understand the meaning of vocabulary related with skeletal parts.
Date of activity : 23rd July 2009.
This is a very funny activity especially when ms. lenny said we made mr bones alive and we kill him again.