Today we did a wallpost thingy-thingy.1.Like the snowballfight one...Remember we read the article from miss.l.We made that into an article.
2.we practce how to present it.
3.we present it!!
i have learned alot like....
1.the components of a habitat
Reina\miko has explained that the components are food,water,and shelter.But i had 1 extra reina's group did a very exellent job.
2.the diversity of habitat
all one class had written all the diversity.Tundra,wetland,dessert,rainforest,the coniferous,and the marine reef.Maybe ya know some of our class didn't even know what the meaning of maybe they don't know that what they're searching on is a diversity!!! animals adapt
Evan had explained it.That it was hard for animals to adapt because,example,the polar bear it has a very thck fur.What if we put him to the......DESSERTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!It can melt to death.Or let's try the hard one.The tiger to the Tundra!!!AHHHHHH! It has it's cousin there the siberian tiger.but what i am meaning is the orange tiger with black stripes.Hmmmmm....But what is wrong???? AHHHHH it's because it can't walk on ice.but that's an easy answer.this is a harder one.Something about it's food.yes,it can't catch animals in the water!all the animals is in the water,it cannot even camoflauge to catch it's prey.
4.what happen when habitat change??
calista\kenny\marchel\icha\incon has explained maybe 60% of the animals need to adapt if they fail they could die.Like the names above they have answered it.the animals will be endangered than if nothing help them they can be going to the extinct place....with the tasmanian tiger,dodo bird and more.endangered animals are: the pygmy elephant,orang utan,sumatran tiger,sumatran rhino,fishes and more.
Too bad we are changing units i love the unit habitat because....
1.i improved alot
2.i make more friends because on my jokes!(hehehe)
3.i have the BEST GROUP EVA!!!!!pokoknya group aku tuh abcd.apa artinya adil,baik,cakep,de bes deh pokoknya.apa lagi mereka juga fgh famous,glamour,hepi semua!!!hehehe
miss if only unit 6 will have the same reason why i like unit 5.hmmmm..i just cannot take, it this chain of friends in my group is da bestttttt!!!EVAAAAAAAA!!!!!WHY: we like to be shooting in an sinetron miss!!!!
adel:camera girl
Angie:waitress in the plain
miko:actor(wehhhhhhhh!!!!!)(thx adel for reminding me about miko is not a girl)
extra pak novan:actress tooo(heeeeheheheheheheheh)
maybe my bestest group will be gone in the next Monday!!!!!!