The game called Quiz:The Olympic Games
and their are more information about the Olympic games. (On the side and the bottom their are more information about the Olympic games)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
mentoring system
when i do the mentoring system i was very nervous because i tel all my secrets to my mentor. we do the mentoring system every week. some of them were with Ms. L some of them with Mr. N some of them with Mr. J. i was with Mr. J.
by: calista
by: calista
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Mentoring System
Our mentor is Ms. Lenny, we shared our secrets, we told our problems, and she give us good solutions.
By: Esther, Elaine, and Reina
By: Esther, Elaine, and Reina
My Description of my Learning Outcome,Skill,Profile and Attitude
My description of my lerning outcome is not so bad because sometime I get a bad score because of not studying them and sometime is good because I think and concentrate very hard to the lesson.Next time I want it to be better!!!!!!!!!
My skill is playing soccer,sometime math,and sport but not time I want my skill is in english and values education.
My Profile and attitude is I am a respect people and creativity next time I want to be a cooperative person and many more things that I want to improve!
My skill is playing soccer,sometime math,and sport but not time I want my skill is in english and values education.
My Profile and attitude is I am a respect people and creativity next time I want to be a cooperative person and many more things that I want to improve!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ancient Technology
it's a very interesting website, check it out!
Ancient Egypt - movies
Guys, check out these websites to know more about Ancient Egypt.
Ancient Indonesia - movies
Check out these movies to know more about Ancient Indonesia !
Ancient Rome
Check these websites to know more about Ancient Rome!
Ancient China the movie
Check these websites to find out more about Ancient China!
Ancient Greece - Video this great movie of Ancient Greece.
How To Construct Pyramid
Guys, check out this cool website and have fun try to make it :)
How To Make Papyrus Paper - Egypt Ancient Civilization
Guys...check this very interesting website to see the process of making papyrus can try it out too :)

We're having a great day ...with lots n lots of fun activities such as: popping balloon, chinese traditional game - Jian Zi, throwing coin for luck n wish, cooking Tang Yuan, Peeling sunflower seeds, Passing peanuts, Decorating Tiger poster, Making Chinese traditional food using clay, Chinese Tea celebration, watching CNY movie, and CNY ceremony.
It's Tiger year everyone.....Let's rrRRRrrooooAAAaaaRRrrr!!!!!
Guys...please check this website....and am very sure that you guys can have fun learning about Romans :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy chinese new year!
Hello 4L this is your friend Adelina and I just want to tell u Happy Chinese New and Gong XI Fa Cai! And tomorrow is the new year celebration and I am so sorry I cannot come because I am back from Semarang.Just tell Lau Se Peter that I want to greet Gong xi fa cai! Bye 4LLLLLLLLLLL See you and once more HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!
Monday, February 8, 2010
The big book of Ncient INDONESI@ By adelina
Last time we had a story time. IT IS about our project of ANCIENT CIVILIZATION. I got to present about Indonesia. It is like the class is an Ancient Hunters of Egypt, Indonesia, Greece, Rome and China. THE INFORMATION ARE VERY INTERESTING and I don't know .... Ncient-fun? I just like the story time. I have learn a lot about the Ncient Civilization. :)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Big Book Presentation
chinese ancient civilitation
In ancient China I've learned that china is a good country but sometimes they have wars and their houses are made of wood, they were a rich country and have many treasure so other country was jealous and they destroy YUAN MING YUAN and that time the countries have weapons china had weapons too but they don't know how to use it
Big book of egypt
Ms. L TOLD US TO DO A big book of Egypt, me and my group have the most pages of all.. it was a big disaster when we present it!!! But although we did our best in this project!! Hope we still can do our best in the next tough project
By angie
By angie
guest speakers
WE heard 2 guest speaker the first one is Ms.Rari and the second was Lao shi Peter. Both of them has a very Interesting way way of telling it Ms.Rari told it by showing picture of what she was telling, and Lao shi Peter did it by using the projector. I love them both but the annoying part was that it was not about Egypt!!! Miss you have to put a guess speaker on Egypt!! we ask Mr.jeff he said maybe!!!
By: angie
By: angie
mini trip to museum gajah!!!!
last time we went to museum gajah to know more about the ancient Indonesia.The Indonesian group are very lucky because there are so many information. But besides the Indonesian group are lucky.... WE are also lucky to see what it likes in the past. There are many cool stuff that we never discover yet! The thing that i don't like is the Java man sculptor, it is the statue! When i see it(i concentrate hard!) i feel like the eyes are moving and they seem to move a little!! wow! what a scare it was! Well at least we still learn a lot of information! Too! Even though that museum freaked me out! OMG!!!
BY: Angie
BY: Angie
Saturday, February 6, 2010
mini trip to museum national by:icha
we had a great time at museum national...... we learned so much at that museum the museum tour guide told us so many stories about the ancient indonesia.....
big book of ancient indonesia by:icha
its a little bit hard to make the big book of ancient indonesia because it needs a lot of informative informations and most importantly we have to write acording to the facts, like what mr. jeff had told us "if we wanted to make report about something we have to use facts"
Big Book of Ancient Presentation Rome
It is a little bit hard to do the ancient rome presentation because I have'nt memorize all the information that I read and we have'nt make the decoration much. It is hard to make it but my group and I can finally make it to do the presentation.
Friday, February 5, 2010
the guest speaker ? by:Calista
the first guest spear is ms. Rari she told us ancient of borobudur it was very important to then Indonesian group, but we still have to listen.then the 2 guest speaker is lao se peter he told us about ancient china it think that it is very important to my group because my group is about Chinese ancient civilization.
big book of ancient civilization china by :calista
when we do the big book of ancient civilization i get the Chinese one it was very hard to find what are their culture and sometime my group doesn't want to cooperate ^_^
field trip by:Calista
In the museum there is many cool things i saw the houses, rocks, and many things els.
I had so many thing to write and i always ask the guard, the thing that i don't like is that the weather is veryyyyyyyyy hotttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but all the thing is that there is many cool things!
I had so many thing to write and i always ask the guard, the thing that i don't like is that the weather is veryyyyyyyyy hotttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but all the thing is that there is many cool things!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy to teach in 4L Pak Novan
Hii 4L Students,,,keep on going on the right track, be active and positive and vtrenghten the bonds among your friends and teachers....Good luck
Back tothe past in egypt........ by adelina
We did our name in Hieroglyphs. The name was cool but it was also hard. There were many letters like animals. Also we made a letter written on Hieroglyph.Also we learn it was hard to write the Hieroglyphs but it was not hard it was FUUNNNN! We like the Activity in this unit 4 AKA Ancient CIVILIZATION. The Hieroglyphs letter and Making our names was the hardest and the coolest activity in this world
Mini trip to the museum by adelina
Last time we have a Mini Trip to Museum Nasional. In there, the museum is full of Ancient stuff like Indonesia. We got lots of information. The museum have full of History like the old money, the crown and sandals. On the way to there In the car we had a food party. It was a bizarre.But in the museum it was soooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttttt. It is like 100 celcius.
The guest speaker by Adelina
ow we have a guest speaker about Indonesia and Chinese. The guest speaker of Indonesia was Ms. Rari. We learn many things about Indonesia especially about Borobudur temple.We also learn about the daily life in the past. I have learn more about Indonesia. And the guest speaker of China is the one and only our Mandarin teacher Mr. Peter.He told us the legend of China. It was very interesting. We also watch a movie and Mr. Peter explain it.
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